Last Call: Toronto Comicon

Today's the last call for Toronto Comicon (March 18-20), and if you hadn't already planned on going, now is the time to do so! If you're thinking of buying tickets online, you can find them here. You can also take your chances and try to buy tickets at the door. I will be in the Artist Alley section of the convention, and my table is A125. You can find me here, where this little red square is:

I'm under a big yellow n' black banner that reads Shi Anne Art. Ya can't miss me. As promised several weeks back, here's the full list of products available for purchase:

The second print run of Scrap - a comic collaboration done in partnership with Zoe Maxine - will be available. Scrap runs at $10 apiece, and is a collection of two interconnected (but separate) comics.

My mini-zine So You Want to be a Hero will be also be for sale, for $4 a pop. The very last copies of All Dolled Up, Apple Darling, Lunar and Fingerbiter will be available for purchase. All of the these zines/comics are being phased out, so once they're gone, they're goneAll Dolled Up is $2 a pop (discounted down from $4), Apple Darling is $6, Lunar is $6 (discounted down from $7), and Fingerbiter is $2 (discounted down from $3).

I am running a print deal on all 11x17/large-scale prints: 1 for $15, 2 for $25, or 3 or $30. The Mwargha, Morgha, and Inamorda prints are all being phased out: whenever you buy one of these prints, you get $5 off your final purchase, whatever that final purchase might be (max $5 discount).

I also have some smaller prints, individually priced. That's all for now!